Hey Everyone! Fill it the blanks to my song Cardboard Castle! Let’s see if you all know the words already! xo T
Hey All! It’s official! My lyric video for ʺCardboard Castleʺ is now out on my YouTube Channel! I hope you guys enjoyed hearing my song on ʺThe Bold And The Beautifulʺ, but better yet, you can now listen to it…
I hope that everyone is have a great start to their week! I wanted to quickly thank ʺChiffon Souffleʺ for featuring an article about my newly released single ʺCardboard Castleʺ. You can take a look at the article here: http://chiffonsouffle.com/2013/02/25/new-tunes-for-the-spring-season/…
What would you guys do if you lived in a ʺCardboard Castleʺ? You can now check out ʺCardboard Castleʺ on BandCamp & Itunes! Click below to take a listen! http://taramacri.bandcamp.com/track/cardboard-castle ( BandCamp ) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cardboard-castle-single/id606581554 (Itunes )
Hey Guys! If you have not yet signed up for my newsletter, you can do so at www.taramacri.com! I want to fill you guys in on as much as possibe for when my new songs are released! There are tons…
I’m very excited to announce my new single ʺCardboard Castleʺ will premiere tomorrow on the beloved television show The Bold and the Beautiful! Don’t forget to tune in and set your DVRs!
Had such a great time shooting some press photo’s for “Cardboard Castle” on the beach in Santa Monica. We did have some birds who tried to photobomb some shots! Here I am with the super talented Jess Maldaner who took…
Hey Guys! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and great New Years! It’s crazy to think that it is already 2013! Time flies! I just wanted to thank all of you guys for supporting me throughout 2012,and a…
Hey guys! A few days ago I mentioned that you can request for my song to play on KCVM! Well I wanted to let you all know that you can now also request my songs to play on Greenville, SC Magic…